Monday, September 3, 2012

fake oakley sunglasses that the the Changping international espionage is so rampant

There is no way through a series of authentication. Unless senior staff able to buy a higher authority, or the system simply refused landing. 0:00 of the company's senior However, in order to buy and easier said than done? Truly enter zero senior, in addition to nfl several brothers and Xia Yuying, others have been 0:00 generous returns. they already 0:00 of the company as their own future life career stage,oakley black friday deals oakley black friday deals sale ray ban black friday 2015, and how easily bought it? Moreover, the base internal loose outside the tight measures have also put an end to any individuals that may be bought may divulge confidential. strangers unless the summit and president of the company a few large departments franchise is simply not allowed to enter here. means that, unless the entire work groups to be bought, Otherwise, any attempt to steal confidential will ultimately fail. while the difficulty of doing so can be imagined.
All external spy know nothing. They thought 0:00 just the ordinary kind of guarded high-tech companies for the master of them even the national top-secret military unit may exceed 0:00 The company is a newly emerging company is really no big deal.
Good performance since the company opened, and the superiority of the company's products can, zero company not only by the attention of the Americans and their lackeys Japanese feel their own technology leadership is shaken, the other big countries in the world, the powers are noticed Horizon After all, the Horizon product performance, even if confidentiality up the most advanced technology may not be as traditional computer giants such as Intel, IBM, and will not be much less for a world where a little strength, but do not want the relationship to countries of national security and the economic lifeline of computer technology is monopolized by the United States, Horizon them another option able to perform the world computer science and technology become the leader for so many years, if those technologies can be stolen long ago these countries succeeded. But, after all, the strength of a superpower to be conservative confidential stolen too easy, so the infighting espionage and intelligence agencies of these countries with the FBI and CIA for many years, and still not got his wish. different Horizon, Horizon strong evil spirit, but also a company, into the very ex male dog than a country? Therefore, in their hearts, from Horizon steal confidential much easier than from the United States to steal.
As a result, the elite of the national intelligence personnel are concentrated to the Beijing Changping this small place. Sudden, Changping District, ghosts and monsters have dedication, we glimpse in askance 0:00 confidential company also intrigue. They order in their respective countries interests suddenly are suddenly together, sometimes painted, sometimes against each other on the ground zero confidential company did not steal half points, these spies have many strikeouts completely lose the opportunity to participate in the matter. Changping District, blood of a time Rain Xingfeng, an endless stream of one night, often inexplicable disappearance of many people.
The strange thing is, that the the Changping international espionage is so rampant, has always been the close attention of foreign intelligence personnel, strict control of the security sector, from the Public Security Bureau to the Ministry of State Security (Note: Special corrections oakley domestic security sector is the Ministry of National Security.

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